Starting Over Stronger Podcast
The Starting Over Stronger Podcast offers tips, tricks and mindset shifts for more clarity, confidence, and a whole new outlook on life as you face difficult life transitions such as divorce, death of a loved one, or living with a toxic or dysfunctional spouse, parent or child.
Starting Over Stronger is the SOS we all need. At its core, SOS is about embracing that we are survivors, not victims--if that is what we choose to believe. We can set healthy boundaries, communicate better, and gather the resources we need to advocate well for ourselves no matter what relational, vocational, legal, or financial hurdles we may face... simply by learning more. Certified Divorce Coach, Mediator, and Paralegal, Annie Chavez, has your back as you end difficult chapters and begin to write new chapters you can love!
128 National "Divorce with Respect" Week March 4-8, 2024

127 🏆 Boundaries: Navigating Life Transitions from a Space of Empowerment

126 🏆 "We Were on a Break!"

125 🏆 Trusting the Process +💥Announcement!!💥

124 📓Starting Over Stronger Memoir BOOK READING Part 13--Final Reading

123 📓Starting Over Stronger Memoir BOOK READING Part 12 of 13

122 📓Starting Over Stronger Memoir BOOK READING Part 11 of 13

121 📓Starting Over Stronger Memoir BOOK READING Part 10 of 13

120 📓Starting Over Stronger Memoir BOOK READING Part 9 of 13

119 📓Starting Over Stronger Memoir BOOK READING Part 8 of 13

118 📓Starting Over Stronger Memoir BOOK READING Part 7 of 13

117 📓Starting Over Stronger Memoir BOOK READING Part 6 of 13

116 📓Starting Over Stronger Memoir BOOK READING Part 5 of 13

115📓Starting Over Stronger Memoir BOOK READING Part 4 of 13

114 📓Starting Over Stronger Memoir BOOK READING Part 3 of 13

113 📓Starting Over Stronger Memoir BOOK READING Part 2 of 13

112 📓Starting Over Stronger Memoir BOOK READING Part 1 of 13

Special Announcement: New Segment Coming Soon!

111 🏆 Practice the Pause [Coach Annie]

110 ⚓️ Journaling CAN Change Your Life -- A Replay with Coach Annie

109🏆 Covert Narcissistic Abuse [Coach Annie]

108 🏆 Financial Fix Radio on Divorce Coaching & Retreats

107💼 Co-Parenting with a Narcissist [LMFT & Author Margalis Feljstad]

106 🗨️ You Positively Must Affirm Yourself [Fellow CDC, Jennifer Medwin]

105 🗨️ Why You Need a Divorce Healing Retreat [Attorney & Divorce Dialogues Radio Show Host, Katherine Miller]